Project 5: Sketchbook Blog
Students will post work that responds to 5 prompts
given by the professor. Students are encouraged to
use non-traditional media in creating their
Sketch Post 1
: Create three initial sketches using the following methods: Drawing while not looking at the paper, drawing while not lifting the pencil/pen off of the paper and drawing with your non-dominate hand. Then select one method to create a final illustration. Post the three attempts/experiences and the final illustration. This can be in color, black and white, manual or digital. If you are reusing one of your original three attempts, then the final sketch must use color. The illustrations may be your own original work or you may use a reference image/design.

Sketch Post 2
One hand-made collage
One digital collage

Sketch Post 3
The prompt this week is to create illustrations out of anything edible. Mustard? Soy Sauce? Sure? Fruit or bloody meat? Why not? Challenge yourself in how you can use food, drink or anything digestible to create your work

Sketch Post 4
For your final sketchbook entry, you are going to go big, literally. Create a fashion illustration larger than 5 ft tall (over 150 cm). You can use any media you want, by why stick to expensive and boring paint and canvas? Why not try creating it out of rocks or sticks you lay out in a field? What about doing it on create with a pressure washer (see below)? Let your imagination run wild and create big ideas。